The First Independent Mutual Fund Distribution Software by Nivesh life


Nivesh Life caters to all of the needs of financial advisors by providing a platform that simplifies investing and financing. Mutual funds, along with bank fixed deposits and stocks, are among the most popular investment options. Understanding key performance indicators before investing can help you select the best Mutual Funds for you, and our feature-rich platform will help you do just that.

Nivesh Life's Mutual fund software is designed to provide financial requirements and risk tolerance, which can help Mutual fund Distributors, corporations, and individuals of various income levels scale up their financing and investing game.

This feature-rich Mutual fund software, which is available on a subscription basis and is powered by high-quality technology and metrics, will significantly advance the mutual funds sector. You can easily sign up for or cancel your membership at any time and from any location.

Our vision is to provide investment solutions by simplifying and tailoring the investment process to the client's objectives. Our goal is to provide you with advanced investment advice to help you achieve your long-term goals, such as education planning for your children, tax planning, and retirement planning.

Our Objective is We are completely transparent and fair in our dealings and conduct with our clients. Our community is growing as a result of our openness and honesty.



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